
Inner Child Work
Inner child work is deep transformative work done with a qualified therapist. In this work we explore certain childhood wounds and traumas, and aspects of the past that are keeping us in regression, in pain and in hurt in the present moment and during our daily life. Inner child work is a series of processes, guided by a therapist, which will allow the client to reach into the subconscious mind to where we have relegated our inner child, and start the healing process of our deepest hurts.
Inner child work was first introduced by the psychologist Carl Jung, since then many therapist have further developed the inner child work processes. It works with the idea and concept that all of what was traumatic and hurtful for us as a child, and which has not been healed or worked through, is still active in our subconscious mind. These split of and unresolved issues then continue to have their effects on the present moment, on our conscious thinking, actions, our relationships and all aspects of our everyday life.
How can inner child work help you?
Inner child work will help you to finally be free and to recover your full human potential. It will help you to access certain repressed memories and work through them in a safe environment with a qualified therapist. The work will allow you to discharge and heal certain experiences of the past, known and unknown, that have been dictating and coloring your life for so long. You will be able to resolve and let go of so called baggage of the past.
Besides this, the work can help you to feel yourself and others again after feeling numb for many years. It can help you to set clear boundaries for yourself, to take good care of yourself and regain your self confidence. It will allow you to experience more compassion for yourself and others, and help you regain your self worth and self value. Inner child work in its core, will help you to repossess your life, so you can be fully alive and present, and through this work start to fully embrace and enjoy life as you wish to.
Duration session: 1 hour
Cost of session: 50,-