Clearing Subconscious Beliefs

Psych-K is a non invasive and interactive process, through which the subconscious mind can be changed and reprogrammed. The originator Rob Williams has a proven record of success with this method for over 25 years. It is a simple, yet immensely powerful process used to change and reprogramme certain subconscious beliefs that are self limiting, self sabotaging and no longer serve our highest potential.
Psych-K is a unique blend of contemporary neuroscience research and ancient body/mind wisdom. It is a groundbreaking approach to facilitate change and healing at the subconscious level, where science shows us that at least 95% of our conscious thinking and actions operate from. Psych-K is a process that transcends the standard techniques that we know as visualization, affirmations, will power and positive thinking, as these only reach the conscious mind and not the subconscious level.
How can Psych-K help you?
Psych-K can help you change and reprogramme your negative and limiting subconscious beliefs. It will help to free you from certain reoccurring negative and limiting beliefs that keep you from being your full potential and which hold you a prisoner in certain patterns and an overall limiting state of being. Through the whole brain state method of Psych-K you will be able to instantly manifest truthful, positive and uplifting beliefs in your subconscious mind within minutes.
If you are aware of certain phobias, reoccurring patterns in your life, or limiting beliefs, such as I’m not good enough, I’m not loved, I’m not worthy, which are keeping you from thriving in your life. Or which are keeping you from meeting that right partner for you, or keeping you from being prosperous and abundant, or from being happy, or keeping you from developing on your spiritual path or in any way or form preventing you from being your full potential, then Psych-K is a method that will work for you.
Duration session: 1 hour
Cost of session: 50,-