Energy Healing

Pranic Healing
Pranic healing is a form of energy healing, that tunes into the physical body as well as the energetic or etheric body through the use of Prana. The body has two elements to it, the physical aspect which we can experience through our five senses, but also an energetic or etheric aspect that most people cannot see with the naked eye. Pranic Healing, through the use of Prana, can help accelerate the natural healing process of the body. Besides this, it can prevent certain ailments or diseases from manifesting in the body beforehand, this hrough the preventive use of Pranic Healing. Prana or so called life energy is what keeps the physical and etheric body alive and healthy.
Pranic healing is based on an ancient alternative and holistic approach to healing passed on through the teacher and Master Choa kok sui, which uses Prana, Qi or life energy to facilitate healing within the etheric body and the physical body with the aim to cure certain ailments and disease. Through cleansing and revitalising the etheric and physical body this then accelerates the process of healing, and in some cases can even instantly heals certain distortions experienced physically, mentally and or emotionally.
How can Pranic Healing help you?
Pranic healing will help you to accelerate the healing process in your physical body through the work done on the energetic or etheric body. Besides this, Pranic Healing can help prevent certain ailments or diseases from manifesting in the body, by preventively keeping the body in a harmonious state of being. Pranic healing can facilitate healing on any type of ailment or disease experienced physically, mentally or emotionally.
When we speak of the physical aspect you could think of anything between a sore throat, an injured leg, or even a chronic or very serious disease. When it comes to the mental aspect, you could think of anything between a migraine, stress or even depression. When we speak of the emotional aspect of healing, you could think of a broken heart, the loss of a dear one or any kind of emotional restlessness. These are just some examples of issues that Pranic Healing can help heal, it will accelerate the healing process through the use of Prana and in some cases even instantly release you of the burden you experience.
Duration session: 1 hour
Cost of session: 50,-