Dianetics is a tool with which you can clear and heal the single source of nightmares, unreasonable fears, upsets, insecurities and psychosomatic illness, the reactive mind. Ron L. Hubbard, who discovered and described the reactive mind in detail, laid out a simple, practical, easily used technology to overcome the reactive mind and reach the state of clear. Dianetics is that technology.
The word Dianetics is derived from the Greek dia, meaning “through,” and nous, “mind or soul.” Dianetics is further defined as “what the soul is doing to the body.” When the mind adversely affects the body, it is described as a psychosomatic condition. Psycho refers to “mind or soul” and somatic refers to “body.” Thus, psychosomatic illnesses are physical illnesses caused by the soul.
How can Dianetics help you?
Dianetics will help you to finally be free of your reactive mind and all what is hidden in the subconscious. It will help you to clear your reactive mind and to recover your full human and mental potential. It will help you to access certain repressed memories and work through them in a safe environment with a qualified therapist. The work will allow you to discharge and heal certain experiences of the past, known and unknown, that have been dictating and coloring your life for so long. You will be able to resolve and let go of so called baggage of the past.
Besides this, the work can help you to feel yourself and others again after feeling numb for many years. It can help you to set clear boundaries for yourself, to take good care of yourself and regain your self confidence. It will allow you to experience more compassion for yourself and others, and help you regain your self worth and self value. Dianetics in its core, will help you to repossess your life, so you can be fully alive and present, and through this work start to fully embrace and enjoy life as you wish to.
Duration session: 1,5 hours
Cost of session: 75,-