Coaching and Counseling

Coaching is a partnership between coach and client, a mutual endeavor in a creative process, whereby the client is inspired and challenged to reach his or her personal and professional potential. The coaching session(s) creates a safe environment to explore certain ideas and problems, to find solutions and formulate a clear and realistic SMART strategy plan to resolve these issues. In this way, to ensure the client to achieve his or her full potential and to produce the results he or she wants in personal and professional life.
How can coaching help?
Coaching will help you to achieve your goals and full potential, and it will help you to take action and to change in the way you desire. It will help you to expand your possibilities and choices, this with a realistic SMART strategy plan. It will expand your awareness and give you more insight into your subconscious programmes, beliefs and limitations which might be keeping you from reaching your goal. It will give you the tools to break free from these limitations, to develop yourself, and to broaden your perspective and possibilities in life.
Duration session: 1 hour
Cost of session: 50,-

Counseling is a conversation or session between counselor and client, whereby the counselor offers certain objective advice or guidance in decision making or in a particular significant situation.
The counseling session(s) offers a safe environment to explore certain ideas, problems or any kind of emotional upset, to find solutions and to assist in resolving these issues. The counselor will give an objective perspective on a situation, a problem, or an emotional turmoil, and will help the client to emotionally and cognitively manage an encountered upheaval in life.
How can counseling help?
Counseling will help you to cope with any kind of problem or situation, or a certain emotional upheaval you might encounter in life. Through the objective advice and guidance offered by the counselor, it will help you to explore, discover, clarify and bring more awareness to a certain situation and yourself. This in turn will help you to bring all aspects into perspective, so you can let go of the weight of certain emotional baggage and so you can reach your inner strength to deal with any situation or problem at hand. Which will allow you to be your full potential, with clarity, strength, and free of any burden.
Duration session: 1 hour
Cost of session: 50,-