Ancestral Medicine

Bufo Alvarius
Bufo Alvarius is a toad that lives in the Sonoran desert of Mexico. The use of this small animal has its origins in indigenous ancestry. There are many iconographic and mythological representations of toads in the Olmec, Mayan and Aztec cultures that date back to 2000 B.C.
The glands on the back of the toad contain more than a dozen tryptamine compounds, including bufotenin and 5-MeO-DMT (5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine) also known as The God Molecule. When the glands of the toad are milked, they expel a substance (5-MeO-DMT), this can be dried and then inhaled.
When inhaled, the substance assists in opening your 3rd eye, which then allows you to break free from any limitations and filters of the ego, this pushing you beyond the physical realm, allowing you to expand into infinite consciousness. In a way you could say there’s a process of death and rebirth involved, as your ego dies temporarily and is left behind.
How can Bufo Alvarius help you?
Through the process of opening the 3rd eye, with the temporarily dissolving of the ego, and the complete melting with Source and Infinite Consciousness, the ritual with Bufo Alvarius will allow you to heal on a core level.
Through the temporarily disconnect from the ego, without the resistance and interference of the lower mind, one can heal deep rooted trauma’s, childhood wounds, beliefs and patterns, addictions, anxieties, depression, or any kind of mental, physical or emotional issues.
Bufo Alvarius will allow you to work through any of the issues that you wish to bring into the session with surgical precision, and will allow you to reunite with your true Self, and this infinite ocean of Love, Light and Power that we are.
Duration session: 1 hour
Cost of session: 100,-
Here is a video of a Bufo session: