

We Are One

Many different experiences, One Consciousness. “We Are One”, you might have come across this phrase before, some of you might have even used this phrase yourself or contemplated on the concept of being one. And yet others might have had an experience of being…

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The Self

Who am I?  You might have heard about the Self, or you might have even done some inquiry into the Self, and yet others might have consciously experienced the Self. But what does this mean exactly, the Self?  The Self, is what we truly…

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Guidance and Intuition

Your inner compass. You might have heard about guidance and intuition before, you might have even read about it or done some research on it, and yet others might have had the experience of guidance and intuition themselves. But what do we mean exactly…

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Soul and Body

The Driver and the Vehicle. You might have heard of the word Soul before, you might have even read or educated yourself about the Soul, and yet others might have had an experience of being aware of the Soul. But what does this really…

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The Shadow

Exploring the Dark Side. For some people this subject will be completely new, some will have heard about the shadow before or might have read about it, and yet others might have done shadow work themselves. But what is the shadow exactly? The shadow,…

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Forgiveness and Gratitude

Release and expand yourself. It is very likely that you’ve heard of forgiveness and gratitude before, you might have read about it or discussed it with the people you know, and most probably you have had people in your life that you needed to…

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Law of attraction.  You might have heard about manifesting before, you might have read about it or come cross some YouTube movies about it, and yet others might understand the art of manifestation and intentionally manifest what they want. But what does it really mean,…

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Healing and Purification

  Facing imbalance to experience Peace.  You might have heard of the words healing and purification before, or you might have even experienced some form of healing or purification yourself, yet others might be active as a facilitator of healing and work in this…

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  Liberation from our subconscious limitations.  You might have heard about beliefs before, you might have even done some inquiry into your own beliefs, and yet others might have done some work on letting go of certain limiting beliefs that were no longer helpful….

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Wheel of Karma

 The Universal Justice System.  It is highly probable that you have come across the word karma before, nowadays it is commonly used. Chances are, you’ve heard the word before, or you even use it yourself, and possibly you have some stories to tell of…

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